Letters to Politicians

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One of the responses that I received back was from Arizona Governor Hull. This response kind of surprised me as I can understand that this is a "federal" issue, and not a "state" one. BUT, this service member was from Arizona, he deserves at the very least the Governor of his home state to look into what the Congressmen and Senators of HER state is doing to return the remains of said service members. Or better yet what she can do to help. I literally felt like I was being passed on. Kind of like the expression "passing the buck"--In essence saying "It is not my problem."

In the letter I had written it specifically states "Please advise me of any action that is being taken by you or any other elected appointed official to determine what indeed happened that day, 8 August 1966?" By YOU or any OTHER elected official. Thank you Governor Hull for showing me that YOU are doing nothing, that you could not even take the time to make a few calls to find out what your office can do to help. Thank you for NOT becoming personally involved as a HUMAN BEING much less the Governor of Arizona in trying to bring these courageous men home. And what would be truly sad, which I think this is the case, this was written probably by one of her many secretaries. This shows a clear picture of where her office stands on the subject.


Below is her response:


Dear Rev. Kimberly [XXXXX]:

With regard to your letter concerning Maj. Charles M. Walling unfortunately, this matter is within the jurisdiction of the Federal Government, not the State.

I suggest you contact the members of the Arizona Congressional Delegation.
You may call or write:
The Honorable Senator John McCain
[addresses here]
The Honorable Senator Jon Kyl
[addresses here]

Thank you for your inquiry. Sincerely,




When issues such as these come down to jurisdiction, and not human compassion, we are in a world of trouble. I had already written Senator McCain (Like we can trust him!?) and also Senator Kyl BEFORE I had written Governor Hull's office. I have yet to receive any responses from either office. After I had written the Senator's I thought, you know why not write the Governor of the state that these men were from. I am from Arizona, that is where we call home when we are not stationed somewhere else. I was living in Arizona when my husband (active duty) was called upon to go the Gulf War. This scares me to think that if something had happened to my husband while he was over there and was classified as a POW/MIA, my own state would not support me in returning him home. Would they have said "Sorry it is not in our jurisdiction"?? Something to think about.


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